Saica Group announces a second investment in USA with more than $110 Million.
Hamilton (Ohio), 11 Mar 2025
• Saica Group’s second corrugated plant in the U.S. will require a total investment of more than $110 million (more than 100 million euros) and it will be located in Anderson, Indiana.
• Construction is expected to start in May 2025 and be finished in Q4 2026.
• With this new project, Saica Group will create more than 100 new jobs in the State of Indiana once the plant is operating at full capacity.
With an investment of more than 110 million dollars (more than 100 million euros), Saica Group, one of the largest and most advanced European players in the development and production of recycled paper for corrugated packaging is announcing the construction of its second corrugated plant in the US. The company will build a new corrugated manufacturing facility in the City of Anderson, IN. The announcement has been made after the final approval from the Board of Directors a few days ago.
The new state-of-the-art factory will require a total investment of more than $110 million (more than 100 M€). The construction is expected to start in May 2025 and expects to start operations during Q4 2026. After construction is complete, Saica plans to create more than 50 well-paid full-time jobs during the first two years of operation and more than 100 after the plant has completed its ramp-up phase some years after the startup.
Designed with future growth in mind, the new facility will have almost 350,000-square-foot (32,500 square meters) and is designed for production of more than 1,200,000 MSF (110 million square meters) of corrugated packaging. The site will include manufacturing, converting and production areas, along with a warehouse and office space. The plant is also connected to a railroad line which allows to unload paper rolls while reducing transport costs. This site will also serve as a backup plant for clients already being served from Saica Pack Hamilton.
Susana Alejandro, President and CEO of Saica Group, said: “Saica is committed to stability and long-term growth in the US. This investment is the proof that we are moving forward with our plans in the American continent as we are convinced that we can provide products that will differentiate us in a crowded market. It reflects our deep commitment to delivering exceptional service, as we believe our knowledge and experience in the production of recycled lightweight papers and corrugated packaging will bring high performance packaging to the US market while becoming more efficient in the use of materials”.
Anderson City Mayor Thomas Broderick, Jr. stated, “We are excited that Saica has chosen Anderson for this new facility. This investment into our community will assist us in our continued efforts of bringing into Anderson diversified advanced manufacturing opportunities. I want to thank our economic development team that has worked hard, along with Saica, in making this a reality.”
Ann Lathrop, chief strategy officer of the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC), said: “Saica’s investment in Indiana is a testament to our state’s pro-growth business climate and robust network of skilled manufacturing talent. The company’s new Hoosier operations will have a significant impact on the local economy and for the community of Anderson, Madison County and the surrounding central Indiana region for years to come.”
Based on the company’s plans to create more than 100 new jobs by the end of 2030, the IEDC committed an investment in Saica Group of up to $2 million (approx. 1,8 M€) in incentive-based tax credits and up to $150,000 (approx. 138 K€) in training grants. The IEDC also offered up to $300,000 (approx. 276K€) in Industrial Development Grant Fund incentives to support infrastructure improvements surrounding the new site. These tax credits are performance-based.
This investment follows a previous announcement on Saica´s growth plans, where the company is planning to invest around $800 million (more than 737 M€) in the U.S. market over the next several years. This is a win-win for the company and the community. Anderson will benefit greatly from the company’s more than $110 million capital investment and the creation of more than 100 well-paid jobs, while Saica will benefit from Anderson’s workforce, developable greenfield acreage and rail connectivity.
Saica Group has been in business since 1943 and has a long track record of stable growth in the production of recycled paper and the packaging industry. Saica Group is a family-owned multinational company that cares about people, their well-being and their professional development. Currently the company employs more than 12,000 employees and has a revenue of 3.963 million dollars (3,662 M€, consolidated sales, Dec. 2024).
About Saica Group
Saica Group is one of the leading companies in Europe in the manufacture of recycled paper for corrugated board, with an annual production capacity of about 4,4 million short tons of recycled paper for corrugated board. With more than 12,000 employees and presence in Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Turkey, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the United States and Poland, Saica Group has four business lines: manufacture of recycled paper for corrugated board (Saica Paper), waste management and environmental services (Saica Natur), production of corrugated board packaging (Saica Pack) and flexible packaging (Saica Flex). The group's turnover is 3.963 million dollars (3,662 M€), consolidated sales at 31 December 2024.